Minggu, 20 Maret 2016

back table woes and Elliot ♀


Everyone has left to go to class

I checked my e-mail to make sure there were no changes to schedule (well actually to see if my history teacher was stopping class Tuesday...cause Id be happy).

Well in my inbox I found something that made me happy, sad,

and sorta blah.

My teacher canceled class...my only class today. So I could be cuddled up with Adam in a nice cozy blanket but no Im here.

Thats ok cause Felicia is here...so its not really back table woes anymore but I cant find another title.

So Taka is convinced that she wants to name her daughter Elliot.

Elliot is a boys name that means the lord is my savior (babynames.com)
And Ellie is a girls name.

But it has grown on me as an exotic girls name =]

Felicia says no...lol

By the way I hate pink so Id probably rarely dress my girls in pink. That and I like to reuse so everything will likely be neutral.

And if I have a girl and name her Danaë Id probably spell it differently...

or not


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