I need to get changed into work clothes now and get the shadecloth around the fish tank. Two fold purpose, Shade that part and stop the birds from hitting on the fish.Can you imagine a cross between a tern and a..... nah I wont go there....
Out with the notebook:
A viable aquaponics system combines traditional agriculture and aquaculture methods without....
You see, E&T may be a farm, but it is also a company where hydroponics combines with fish farming to create a balanced cycle of....
The greenhouse will be completed by the end of August. It features aquaponics, where water and fish waste from three 800-gallon tanks will be piped.....
WARNING - Another update......
Marron are a fresh water crayfish, native to Western Australia. They are a good candidate for.....
Hey, Affnan is back....Basic setup for growbed completed. Three growbed in total with....
OK, till next time....Take good care of yourselves.....and each other.......
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